
Heroes vs Villains Episode 10

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Zak Staurday (Secret Saturdays) vs Owlman (Batman: the Brave and the Bold)

(The dark shadows of Gotham City were quiet as an ominous figure jumped from building to building. The figure looked surprisingly like Batman, except he had a darker costume and golden plating on parts of his armor. As he jumped across buildings, he came down to a dark alleyway and stood there staring into the shadows. Standing in the darkness was a pale-skinned man that looked like someone not of this world.)

Argost: Greetings and bienvenue Owlman.

Owlman: You better have a good reason for calling me here.

Argost: Indeed I do. I'm sure you have been hearing "stories" from other villains about a little group called the Organization?

Owlman: Yeah. What's it to you?

Argost: Well my sources tell me you are quite powerful when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. I bet we can recruit you if you perform one simple favor for me.

Owlman: Favor? Like what?

Argost: Well, let me put it like this. How good are you with children?


(It had been weeks since that infamous final battle against Argost and his evil plot to rule the world. The young boy, Zak Saturday was sitting out on a balcony at his home looking over the horizon feeling bored. As he watched the many trees in the distance, Fiskerton, a gorilla-cat whom Zak befriended long ago, came to sit beside him. Also accompanying him was a large komodo dragon aptly named, Komodo.)

Zak: Hey guys.

(As the two animals watched the sunset with Zak, a green pterodactyl came flying to towards them as well and perched by the balcony.)

Zak: We wouldn't forget about you Zon.

(As Zak and his three cryptid friends watched the horizon, Zak started talking again.)

Zak: I know what you guys are probably thinking. Why am I out here when I could be inside watching TV? I dunno. I'm just bored I guess.

(Zon nudged Zak with her beak and squawked at him.)

Zak: All right Zon. Just one ride.

(Zak hops on the pterodactyls back and flies off the balcony. Zak and Zon fly up into the air while Fiskerton and Komodo watch from below. While Zon performs some aerial acrobatics, Komodo turned his head toward the side of the house and hissed. The giant lizard turned invisible all of the sudden and slunk along the corner of the house. Little did he realize that someone could see him all too well. Fiskerton heard the sound of claws scrapping across the house and ran over to it. When he reached the corner, Komodo was not around. The gorilla cat walked off and watched as Zak and Zon landed safely back on the balcony.)

Zak: Hey. Where did Komodo go?

(Fisk gave a questioning look as if to say he didn't know.)

Zak: Hmm. He must've walked off. Thanks for the ride Zon.

(Zak and Fisk walked inside the house while Zon stayed outside. She flew off into the forest and back to her nest. But as she flew, a large net fell right over her and she plummeted to the ground. As the pterodactyl struggled to break loose, a large shadowy figure loomed over her.)


(Back inside, Zak Saturday and Fiskerton were both watching TV on the couch. While watching, Zak's father, Doc Saturday came in to see him.)

Doc: Hey Zak. Have you seen Komodo?

Zak: You haven't seen him?

Doc: Well he isn't anywhere in the house.

Zak: He's probably outside walking around or basking in the sun.

Doc: I don't think so. I checked his food bowl. It's still full.

Zak: Really? But I just filled his bowl two hours ago when I came back inside.

(Zaks mother, Drew Saturday came into the room and walked up to her husband and Zak.)

Drew: What's going on?

Doc: Zak's komodo dragon is missing.

Zak: He's not missing! He's just. . .he's probably invisible is all.

Drew: Well you better find him. If he gets out. . .

Zak: He's not going to escape. I'll go find him if it makes you happy. Come on Fisk.

(Zak and Fiskerton hopped off the couch and walked outside. When Zak walked outside, Doc and Drew Saturday heard loud footsteps coming from the kitchen.)

Doc: Sounds like Doyle's home.

Drew: Takes a while for him to go grocery shopping, isn't it?

(Then they heard a loud shattering of a glass in another room.)

Drew: Ugh. Doyle! What did I tell you about watching where you walk?

(Drew and Doc run into the other room where they find a smashed vase on the floor. But Doyle wasn't around.)

Doc: Hmm. I guess the wind must've knocked it over.

Drew: The wind doesn't make footsteps Doc.

(Drew and Doc got into their defensive stances.)

Drew: Someone is here.

(They turned around and prepared to fight the intruder. Everything turned black from then on.)


(Zak Saturday and Fiskerton walked across the yard looking for Komodo. When they walked by, they noticed Komodo's food bowl outside filled to the brim with food.)

Zak: Dad was right. Komodo hasn't eaten a bite of his lunch. He's usually eaten the whole thing by now.

(Fisk started getting nervous as he remembered when Komodo went around the corner of the house the last time he and Zak were outside.)


(The komodo dragon didn't respond.)

Zak: Where do you think he could be Fisk?

(The gorilla cat raised his hands in confusion.)

Zak: Maybe if we got up higher we could find him. ZON!

(Zak called for his pterodactyl friend, but she didn't arrive either.)

Zak: Zon?! Where are you girl?!

(Fisk's ears suddenly started to perk up. And with great speed, he ran right back to the house.)

Zak: Fisk? FISK! Where are you going?!

(But Fiskerton didn't stop. He just kept running to the house.)

Zak: It's like everyone's trying to avoid me or something. I hope none of this has to do with me losing my powers.

(Zak walked over until he found Zon's nest. Over by it, he found an entire bucket of fish which Zon was supposed to eat.)

Zak: That's weird. Zon didn't eat any of her lunch either.

(Suddenly, Zak heard a loud crashing sound coming from the house.)

Zak: Huh? What was that?

(Zak ran back into the house to find it a complete mess.)

Zak: Aw, man! Fisk! Did you do this?! You know this means I have to clean up after you!

(Zak walked across the wrecked house, but Fiskerton wasn't around.)

Zak: Fisk! Don't you start running away from me too! If you, Zon, and Komodo are playing me, it's not funny! Come out of hiding before I-huh?

(Zak entered another room and found his parents unconscious tied to the wall by some black cable.)

Zak: MOM! DAD!

(Zak ran over to untie his parents. They lied on the floor still unmoving.)

Zak: Phew. They're alive. But who. . .

(Zak then sees a small disc. On it was a note saying for him to watch it if he "wants to know the locations of his "pets" again".)

Zak: Whoever sent this is in for a world of hurt.

(As Zak got up, he heard the door open again. He prepared to fight whoever came into the room. But when that person entered, he was revealed to be Doyle.)

Doyle: Whoa now! What happened here?

Zak: Doyle! You're back!

Doyle: Zak. Did you throw a wild party without me?

Zak: Not the time Doyle! Someone ransacked our house and took out my parents!

Doyle: So what else is new?

Zak: Doyle. Fiskerton, Komodo, and Zon are gone. He kidnapped them.

Doyle: Who kidnapped them?


(Zak and Doyle were in the lab where they face a giant TV screen. Zak took the disc and put it in. As the TV turned on, an image of a large cave and a massive shadowy figure in the darkness showed up on screen.)

Doyle: Who is that?

Zak: The jerk who took my friends.

(The person stepped out of the shadows revealing himself to be Owlman.)

Owlman: Hello Zak Saturday. That's right. I know who you are.

Doyle: Man. Nice costume.

Zak: Doyle. Shhh.

Owlman: Where I'm from, I am known as the Owlman. Not the kind of Owlman who you are familiar with however. But rest assured I am just as dangerous. Perhaps you've noticed by now that your "pets" are missing. If you want to find them, follow me to this location.

(A map appeared on the screen and then was printed out on a sheet of paper for Zak to follow.)

Zak: Hey. This is the place where we fought the cryptid Owlman.

Owlman: I expect to see you here Saturday. ALONE! If you even attempt to bring your parents or any help with you, your pets will be permanently put to sleep. Do I make myself clear? You better obey if you know what's good for your pets.

(The screen went blank as Zak held the map in his hands.)

Doyle: Well c'mon Zak. Let's go kick that Owlman's butt!

Zak: No Doyle. You have to stay here.

Doyle: Excuse me?! And leave me with all the work?! I don't think so! I already got back from picking up groceries!

Zak: He said he wants me to face him alone. If I bring you with me, he'll put them in danger. Besides, I need you to make sure mom and dad are okay.

Doyle: (groan) Fine. But you're not going out there without weapons.

Zak: I've got the claw. I think I'm fine.

Doyle: Fine gets you killed these days. No. You need more. I hope your parents won't mind if you "borrowed" their things.


(A large jet flew over the land of Southern England. Zak looks over the edge and saw a large slab of land with numerous tunnels leading into the underground cave. The jet landed and Zak stepped out holding three items in his possession.)

Zak: Okay. I'm about to face down a crazy Owlman wearing a ridiculous black costume. And I don't have my powers. But he has Fiskerton, Komodo, and Zon with him. I've got to stop him.

(Zak walks over to one of the cave entrances and it suddenly turned dark.)

Zak: Aw, man. Now I REALLY wish I had my powers back again. Maybe if I think really hard.

(Zak raised The Claw high in the air hopping to use his powers to make it glow. Unfortunately, nothing happened.)

Zak: Rats. I'm trapped in a cave, and I have no light to guide the way. Oh, wait.

(Zak reached into his backpack and pulled out his moms Tibetan Fire Sword. With a powerful flick, the sword caught on fire and the cave became light again.)

Zak: Okay. That's much better.

(Continuing his walk through the cave, Zak stumbled across the Owlman's nest. Across the room were dozens of lit candles which helped to light up the rest of the room.)

Zak: Wow. Looks like I don't need this anymore.

(Zak doused the fire sword and put it in his backpack. He walked across the hard ground and around the large nest until he heard a loud voice.)

Owlman: Welcome to the nest Zak Saturday.

(Zak froze in surprise. He searched all around, but the Owlman was nowhere to be seen.)

Zak: All right! I'm here! Now what's so important that you called me here?

Owlman: I thought we could meet each other eye to eye. Get to know each other better.

Zak: So you kidnapped my friends? Besides, you seem to know me better already!

Owlman: Yes. Cryptids. That's an unusual hobby of yours Saturday. Tell me, how useful do you think you are when you no longer have the power of the Kur?

Zak: How did. . .forget it. I'm not even gonna ask.

Owlman: Face it kid. Without your special powers, you can't possibly stop me.

Zak: That's not true! In fact, if you come down here right now, I'll show you what I'm capable of!

Owlman: Idiot. Haven't your parents ever taught you not to talk back to strangers?

Zak: I'm no kid! And I'm not afraid!

Owlman: No Saturday. But you will be.

(Zak stood in the center of the nest waiting for something to happen. Everything seemed silent at first. Then Zak noticed something sharp flying at him from above the ceiling. He got out of the way just in time before the sharp object sliced into the nest. Zak looked at the object. It looked like a batarang, except it was more glider-shaped. Zak looked up to the ceiling again and saw another batarang flying right towards him. He dodged that one too, but then another came flying down.)

Zak: All right! Enough!

(Zak pulled out the Claw and aimed it toward the ceiling. The Claw shot forth and grappled onto something. Zak pulled with all of his might and pulled Owlman into the nest. Owlman got up, dusted himself off, and glared at the kid.)

Owlman: Impressive. But it's not enough to stop me.

(Owlman reached into his belt and pulled out another batarang. He threw it at Zak who ran away just in time. He used the Claw to grapple onto the ceiling and lift up. When Zak came out of the nest, he looked to another tunnel passage.)

Zak: There's no way I can fight him right now. I gotta find Fisk and the others!

(Owlman watched from inside the nest as Zak ran down the tunnel.)

Owlman: Running is pointless kid! You can't escape me!

(Owlman whipped out a grapple gun and shot at the ceiling lifting himself out of the nest as well. Zak meanwhile ran down the tunnel looking for his cryptid friends. He looked behind him to make sure Owlman wasn't following.)

Zak: Looks like I lost him.

(To his shock, Owlman appeared from above and stood right in front of Zak. Before Zak could do anything, Owlman grabbed him and picked him up.)

Zak: Hey! Let go!

Owlman: You thought you could outrun me? Owls are much smarter than you take them for kid. Now I have you, my prey.

Zak: Sorry. But this prey isn't giving up without a fight!

(Zak raised his right arm and showed off the large glowing Battle Glove with which he uses to punch Owlman in the face. Owlman was forced to let Zak go.)

Zak: Wow! This thing is strong! But so heavy!

(He ran past the Owlman and continued down the tunnel. The Owlman watched as Zak ran away again and seethed in anger.)

Owlman: You're not escaping me again brat!

(Owlman threw another batarang at Zak. Except this one was attached to a long black cable which wrapped around Zak's legs. With Zak tied up, Owlman pulled Zak closer and closer to him. But Zak pulled out the Fire Sword and cut himself free.)

Owlman: So, it's going to be close combat now, is it?

(Owlman cracked his knuckles and lunged after Zak. He raised the sword up in the air hoping to impale the bad guy, but he missed. Owlman punched and jabbed barely missing the boy. Zak was having the same kind of luck using the sword to stab and slice his opponent barely missing each time. Eventually, Zak resorted to setting the sword on fire and started launching fireballs everywhere. Owlman backed up trying to avoid each fireball that came his way.)

Zak: Who is the prey now?!

Owlman: It will take more than fire to deter a ferocious hunter you smart mouth!

(Owlman lunged at Zak again. Big mistake.)

Zak: Boom.

(Zak pointed his sword upwards and a huge pillar of fire erupted out of it blasting Owlman back into a cave wall where he got himself buried deep underneath some rocks.)

Zak: What kind of an owl can't take down it's prey with ease? Well now that he's out of the way, I better find my friends.

(Zak ran through the tunnel again not knowing that the rock pile was moving. Owlman's fist burst out shaking with fury.)


(After a few minutes of walking through the labyrinth of tunnels, Zak eventually found a small chamber with three cages in them. Inside those cages were Zak's cryptid friends.)


(The three creatures growled with joy as Zak ran up to them.)

Zak: Hang on you guys! I'll get you out of there!

(Zak brought out the Fire Sword and sliced the locks off of their cages. The three animals ran out of their cages and crowded around Zak.)

Zak: All right guys. Let's save the celebration for later. Right now, we gotta get out of this place fast.

(Fisk grabbed Zak and placed him on his shoulder. Zak and the cryptids ran all across the labyrinth until they finally find an exit outside the cave.)

Zak: Over there!

(But before they could get close to the exit, Owlman jumped from the ceiling blocking their path. Fiskerton, Komodo, and Zon growled and roared angrily at the villain who had attacked them before. Zak even threatened him with the Claw.)

Zak: You've lost Owlman! I've beaten you and rescued my friends! Step out of the way and no one gets hurt!

Owlman: I'm afraid you've got that backwards kid.

(Fisk roared as he placed Zak down and charged toward Owlman. The gorilla cat was about to pound him to the ground, but Owlman jumped to the side just in time. He threw a batarang at Fiskerton's legs causing him to trip and fall over.)

Zak: Fisk!

(Zak glared at the Owlman and aimed the Claw at him. The Claw shot forth and grappled onto his arm. Unfortunately, Owlman grabbed a hold of the line and pulled it toward him. The Claw flew right out of Zaks grip and fell to the ground. Zak ran to get it, but Owlman threw a batarang in his direction making him back up. Zon flew down and grabbed Zak lifting him in the air. The pterodactyl flew over Owlman's head as she tried to fly to the exit.)

Owlman: I don't think so!

(Owlman used the grapple gun to grab a hold of Zon's legs. With his strength, he pulled the grapple cord throwing Zon around the tunnel until she crashed down in the floor. Zak fell off and was faced with the Owlman again. As the villain walked up to the boy, Komodo suddenly turned visible in front of him and bit down on his armor protected arm. Owlman threw the komodo dragon off him and pushed him into the cave wall.)

Zak: KOMODO! Nobody does that to my komodo dragon!

(The Battle Glove on Zak's arm started glowing intensely as did the Fire Sword which he held in his left arm. Owlman threw a batarang at Zak, but he deflected it using the sword. Fiskerton jumped in his way and tried to pummel the villain. Unfortunately, Owlman was more skilled in hand-to-hand combat than the gorilla cat was. While distracted, Zon grabbed Zak again and lifted him in the air. After Owlman punched Fiskerton away, he was too distracted to notice Zak soaring toward him at high speed. As Zon dropped Zak, he zoomed into Owlman's direction and punched him in the stomach with the battle glove. Owlman was sent skidding across the ground until he doubled-over barely standing up.)

Zak: Had enough?

Owlman: Grrrrr! Not even close! I'm just getting started!

(Fiskerton, Komodo, and Zon ran to defend Zak from whatever Owlman was planning next. The villain suddenly pulled out a small black orb and tossed it in his direction. Zak immediately realized it was a grenade and he ran away as did the other cryptids. The explosion was set off engulfing the entire tunnel. Owlman however was safe from the blast. He watched as smoke engulfed the entire tunnel entrance.)

Owlman: Looks like I win. Now it looks like I can-WHAT?!

(Owlman looked into the smoke and saw an orange glow coming from it. A pillar of fire shot forth and barely missed Owlman just singeing his shoulder. Zak Saturday, Fiskerton, Komodo, and Zon stepped out of the smoke filled tunnel unharmed.)

Zak: We're not done yet! Let us leave before we make you leave for good!

(Owlman looked at the look of determination in the kids eyes. He decided it was time to end this fight.)

Owlman: Fair enough. I think I already proved myself to the Organization now. Until the next time we meet Saturday.

(Owlman suddenly pulls out a small pellet and throws it on the ground. Smoke engulfs his body leaving Zak and the cryptids with nothing to see. When the smoke cleared, Owlman was gone.)

Zak: What?! Where did he go?! Man, I hate it when they do these kinds of things!

(The cryptids growled as they searched frantically for the villain.)

Zak: That's enough guys. He's gone. We'll get him another time. And the next time we meet him, he's all yours.

(The cryptids grunted in enjoyment.)

Zak: Now come on. Let's go home.

(The cryptids reluctantly agreed as they followed Zak into the jet which flew them home.)


(The next day, Zak told his parents and Doyle all about what happened back at Southern England with him and Owlman.)

Zak: And then he surrounded himself in smoke and got away. We almost had him too. But we went back on the jet and flew back home.

Doyle: Wow. I wish I was there when that happened.

Doc: Still, what made you think it was okay to use my Battle Glove?

Drew: Or the Tibetan Fire Sword? Those things are not toys for you to use!

Zak: Neither is The Claw. But I had to do what I had to do to save them. I'm sorry if I worried you.

Doc: Well, you did put yourself in mortal danger. But then again, you proved you could take care of yourself against that Owlman character.

Zak: So you're not upset?

Drew: Give back our weapons and we'll discuss it.

Zak: Aw, c'mon. Just a few more minutes? Besides, it was Doyle's idea.

Drew: Oh it was, was it?

Doyle: Hey, come on! The kids crazy! I didn't-hey, do we have enough groceries? I better go and uh, get some more!

(Doyle ran out of the room while the family laughed. Aside from that one battle, the rest of the day from here on out was a little boring.)
Zak Saturday vs Owlman
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